Saturday, August 28, 2004

weightloss~ (edited @ 6pm)

some words to anyone fighting against weight like me *lol*

aviod red meat but take lotsa FISH. They provide proteins alike, WITHOUT that much fats *lol*. Or else take BOILED chicken BREAST meat (try to aviod seasonings hor), or fastfood? BK grilled chicken still roughly meet the mark ba. Feel like snacking? take fruits, or cereal drinks (thou those sachet type quite a lot of sugars y'know, or try water first b'cos a lot of times when the body is lack of water it does feel a bit like *hungry*). Cut down rice/noodles (when I eat chinese food with guys, they wun need to pay for another extra bowl of rice! haha), take more soup. We honestly don't need so much meat, so take the vegs! *mushroom lowers cholestoral btw* thou they always say dun eat after 7pm(best! or 9pm- LATEST), i honestly think ONE (only one! the normal size, not upsized!) tuna sandwich or ONE bananan won't kill if u really that hungry.

do CARDIO exercises 4-5 sessions a week, and each session 40mins & above. Heart-rate to go about 65% & above of your body limit (for my age, PT says should reach 166 at least T_T and telling me to move on to 50mins-1hr per session). cardio includes jogging, skip-ropping, fast cycling, roller-blading, etc. If u are using gym equipment, go for lvl4, 5 or even 8 and above if u can (i'm now still struggling lvl 5 now T_T)

Light repetitive weights are encouraged to tone the muscles. If you dun go gym, get some dumbbells or filled waterbottles to do some weights ba. hehe. Do 12-15 repetitions per set, and 3-4 sets. But advisable to stretch after every 1-2sets. if u do go gym, do weights abt 3times a wk~ (and proper stretching oh!)

remember to do your warmup and cooldown before and after exercise oh! Do 5min of cardio to increase body temperature first, then do 5-10mins of stretching to various body parts. Aviod reversing the steps 'cos stretching *cold* muscles can hurt easily! For cooldown, do cardio & stretching too~

jiayou jiayou jiayou!


At August 28, 2004 at 5:37 PM, Blogger Stardust80 said...

THANK YOU! You're a God-send!


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