Tuesday, June 08, 2004


i'm having a bit of problems adjusting to Hatha Yoga @ the moment. i'm also practising Pilates, and the breathing systems of pilates & yoga are pretty different:

- Pilates= thoracic breathing system where you use and activate the abdominal muscles continually throughout the practice. As you expand the lungs to the side stretching the intercostal muscles, you allow the lungs to work to their full capacity while protecting and strengthening your lower back.

- Yoga= Pranayama (proper breathing) which actually is 3 related types of breathing.
(1)Clavicular breathing (which we are all doing normally) which the shoulders and collarbone are raised while the abdomen is contracted during inhalation.
(2)Thoracic breathing is done with the rib muscles expanding the rib cage, and
(3)Deep abdominal breathing brings air to the lowest and largest part of the lungs. Breathing is slow and deep, and proper use is made of the diaphragm.

B R E A T H E. urg. i have difficulty breathing. damn. its such a chore to breathe -_-;


At June 8, 2004 at 3:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*lol* pilates is painful! but it really tones the body! for that reason alone its enough to make myself suffer thru it! hahahah


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