Monday, July 26, 2004


when young, i have a weak heart and gastric, and always has a weak stomach. Currently, i'm beginning to wonder if i have an eating disorder cuz i feel bloated to the extent of wanting to puke (as if from overeating, but my colleagues say i'm eating very little already >_<). my mum is discouraging me to go for exercises because she thinks I'm pushing myself too hard (which i wonder... 3 times a week is really not much)... we'll see how it goes. i tink i'm jus undergoin thru' some stress at the moment.


At July 26, 2004 at 4:04 PM, Blogger Asaciel said...

Stress varies...if you can take it, why not? But I think the diet needs to be at a balance, you can discuss with your trainer or something, they are suppose to know best. But by reading...

1) eat a little
2) train 3x per week...

a bit off balance...but i also have not seen how much u ate.


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